We apologize if you are having any issues with our online training. Please email education@actsmissions.org including your name, email, and an explanation of the issue that you are experiencing. We will get back to you as quickly as we can.
Below is a list of common issues about purchasing a course, completing it and viewing the Certificate of Completion:
- On the HOME Page Click on ACTS Retreat Training
- Click on Purchase this Course (red box with shopping cart)
- You will see that the course has been added to your cart, Click View Cart
- Click Proceed to Checkout
- Enter your billing and personal details then create a password
- Click Place Order
- You will see Order Received at the top and You have purchased the following course: click on ACTS Retreat Training – (This will take you to the course)
- Select Part 1 of 4 to begin
- Select Video 1: Welcome (All lessons must be completed in order)
- Click Next Lesson (at the top) – this will take you to the content of the lesson
- Some items in the content are hyperlinks that take you to additional resources
- After reading the content take the quiz by Clicking “View Lesson Quiz”
- When you have answered all the quiz questions, Click Complete Quiz
- If you did not pass the quiz with the required passing grade, you can scroll to the bottom and click Reset Quiz to take it again. You must pass before moving to the next lesson.
- Once you pass the quiz, you can move to the next lesson by clicking Next Lesson at the top or clicking on the next lesson on the progress bar to the right.
- The remaining Videos, content lessons, and quizzes follow the same format until all parts of the training are complete.
- You will see a checkmark in a green circle on the progress bar on the right when you have completed a lesson.
- Once a lesson is completed you can close the program and return to it later (incomplete video lessons must be watched again). You can also go back and see any completed lessons.
- When all lessons and survey are completed go to My Courses tab on the top and click Completed Courses. You can Print your Certificate of Completion there.